Pentecost Sunday posted: Sun 2017-06-04 14:09:55 tags: faith
What I started thinking about Pentecost the other day was where the risen Jesus chides Thomas saying "so you believe because you have seen - blessed are those believe in Me without seeing". So why is that pertinent to Pentecost? Because it Pentecost commemorates the Holy Spirit being given to the disciples, and we His latter day disciples pray that the Holy Spirit may likewise fill us, lead us and give us power to do God's work... and we don't get it without faith.

And it does seem to me that believers do encounter serendipity more, like Miss Cupcake's crossing paths with her friend at the gas station after missing each other all day. Nonbelievers call it coincidence or perhaps "synchronicity"; many believers believe these eyebrow-raising synchronicities are God's gracious hand.

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1st coffee, canteloupe and rye muffin w/herb goat cheese
Meal planning
Folded, stuffed, labeled, stamped and licked all the ack letters (part 1)

CreditKarma emailed to say my credit score had changed. Apparently that inquiry for the secured card dinged my score pretty hard. Should bounce back quickly once I start using it though.

Dad returned my call, unsurprisingly he doesn't know what his mailing address might be to receive things by mail though. smh