sessions 82, 83 posted: Thu 2012-03-15 01:08:11 tags: fitness
I tweeted session 82, but apparently I spaced on mindfiring yesterday's gym sessions. Plural, yes, because it's nice to do a couple sets on the Cybex gear during the day when it's not busy, and then come back in the evening for treadmilltiem somewhat fresher than if I went straight from lifting to running. So nice, in fact, that I did that both yesterday and today.

Lately I've stepped up to 110# on leg curls, and 250# on squat press. 250 is not much different from 230, and I can do 20 reps on my first set at that weight. In the whole time I've been lifting, I have been pretty much stuck at 50# on arm curls, and showing no signs of breaking into the next level. Even my overhead press is slowly improving; breaking into the 90# level is inevitable. But not the stubborn arm curls. Which is OK, I guess, because I'm pretty happy with the way my biceps LOOK; so maybe I should really shut up and shoot for more reps at lower weight. We'll see how I feel next session.

So without further ado, treadmill recaps:
session 82: 3.3mi / 40m27s. Also, I would stab a unicorn for 24oz. each of Guinness and OE right about now. (That generated a lot of Facebook attention lol)
session 83: 3.3mi / 40m52s. 1mi at 6.3mph, ~1.25 lap at 7.5.