thu posted: Thu 2019-04-25 12:51:27 tags: n/a
Miss's car should be in line to be substantially if not completely paid off today.

For a while I was getting daily or weekly emails from Chirp, which basically pushes daily deals on audiobooks the way Bookbub promotes bargain-bin deals on e-books. Unlike Bookbub, which has sold me on maybe a dozen titles, the Chirp model doesn't work for me. What's a fair price for an audiobook? Well, you know what, there are thousands of very informative and/or entertaining classics in the public domain, and there are volunteer-driven organizations that archive digital recordings of readers reading public-domain works, so if I was really on-board with the audiobook concept then I should download some free mp3s of public domain works read aloud by volunteers, right? High-quality stuff is free for the taking, so there must be some reason I'm not listening to audiobooks and until I figure that reason out, spending money on an audiobook is bound to be a waste. Chirp: unsubscribed