session 120a posted: Thu 2012-07-12 18:37:29 tags: fitness
Breakfast: the usual, plus at least a couple servings of smilk for the protein and potassium. Not that I really need a whole lot of protein, I had a lot yesterday.

Weigh-in: 197#. Session 120a: 1/2 lap at a 3.3mph walk, slightly less than 2.5mi at 5.1mph. At that point I thought I'd take a cooldown before finishing out a 4.0mi session, but I fumbled speed controls and accidentally tripped the emergency stop. So I hit the shower and resolved to return in the evening to finish out my "bonus" miles, maybe even make it a 5-mile day.

Lunch: egg+cheese on a multigrain bagel and a large unsweet iced tea.

The whole rest of the afternoon: That borderline indigestion that I should expect from multigrain bagels by now, which invariably dampens my fire to do the gym thing. So I just went straight home and I'm still on the hook for an extended session, Saturday if not tomorrow.