Jewish Cardinal and new phone posted: Thu 2014-03-13 13:39:03 tags: movies
Yesterday - After workies I made the switch from T-Mo back to MetroPCS. They merged at some point, so coverage is no longer limiting unless I have a mission to Montana or something, and even then only if there's no wifi to piggyback on. Coverage was only a problem when I was traveling anyway. So $40/mo gives me unlimited talk/text and 4G data up to 500MB unthrottled. Compare vs. my previous plan's $50/mo, no data and limited talk/text. Limits I never ran up against, but limits nonetheless, and now that I text a lot, well I might have overrun that 200 (300?) text limit. T-mo is rolling out less-limited plans later this month, but it's too little, too late.

When I called to get my number-portability PIN they mentioned I'd been with them 4.5 years and they appreciated my loyalty... so then in the next breath I had to tell them I was abandoning them for Metro LOLOLOL. Oh man. Anyway... 4.5 years is mid-2009, I guess I dropped Metro for T-Mo in the first place for the VA-NH trip.

The smrtfon I got to take advantage of data capability is the Samsung Galaxy Exhibit, $50 before $20 rebate. In 3 months the plan savings pays for it. This will tide me over until phablets are affordable.

An overpriced pressed sandwich at the deli by the Sunday Fun Day courtyard, then met up with my new friend for a movie: The Jewish Cardinal at FAU Living Rooms. The movie was good, but buying tix at minutes to showtime meant we were all the way in the front row which was not an optimal distance from the screen. Next time we know. And we both want to go back to ogle the art. More about the Jewish Cardinal Jean-Marie Lustiger.

Coming down to the wire on FP scheduling.

Woke late-ish, I know I was dreaming processing dreams, nothing memorable. First coffee, 3 rolls with olive oil, vitamins, microwave burritos.

Noon Eucharist was ... long ... with an extended interactive sermon/exploration of the first 4 commandments of the Decalogue, and laying-of-hands and post-service discussions and all. Fr. Andrew affirmed my thoughts on "thou shalt not take the name of the LORD in vain" and encouraged my tech input and FB content inserts, and affection was generally abounding, so the whole service was personally gratifying as well as the usual spiritual nourishment. Also, long.

Wash white laundry, catfish sammiches, transferred my contacts from old foan to the new and then wiped call records and contacts from old. Shot some selfies and pulled them back off via USB to post a duckface to FB. Fixed G-Voice so I get texts there forwarded to the fon. Hooked up with Google Drive, Google Calendar and Hotmail apps.