sun posted: Mon 2023-06-05 15:01:25 tags: n/a
2p: Sir Bert and the New DM One-Shot
Kicking around in my head the fact that there's a forever shortage of DMs, a couple months just one month back (it feels longer) I asked around about hurdles that kept players from DM'ing. As a result of that conversation, one of my forever-player friends was inspired to try his hand at DM'ing a "one-shot" of his own invention. And I was very happy because if I had thought about it sooner, I would immediately agree that this guy has command of the rules, overall cognitive organization, and social confidence and sensitivity to DM quite successfully.

Funny thing about one-shots, people always underestimate the time to play-through... So yesterday's session ran over 4 hours and we still have maybe a couple of hours to go.

1. 3xL5 characters was no match for a dozen orcs. Action Economy in action. Escaped per Plant Growth.
2. We fared better against 3 Ogres - mostly because Surprise. Sir Bert still got KO briefly.
3. AC20 doesn't mean much if the bad guys' attack rolls are all 16+ on the die. Cursed luck.

* * *

CA: Shortly after midday 100v battle timed out, the guildmaster posted on my wall to threaten kicking me out because ... well, it wasn't coherent. Apparently I have "too many loadouts"? Also platform-messaged me about calling FFA on one particular guild, insinuating that I'd rather throw the battle for coins than win. I've been in this guild for something like 8 years now, maybe more, she should know me better than that. Our battle-call list hasn't been updated in a year, that guild isn't even on it, I walked in 15 minutes after battle started with no one else having called a direction and one of our gates was already dead. I think calling anything was better than just staying out of battle not wanting to take responsibility for a call, which is what I know a lot of other guild members are doing. Not the first time this guildmaster has come at me with a disproportionate, nasty attitude or insinuated I threw a winnable battle to farm guild coins. So, I'm feeling kind of close to done with her, "friends" of 10+ years don't talk to each other like this.