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tue posted: Tue 2025-03-25 13:54:27 tags: n/a
The Solemnity (feast) of the Annunication of the Lord

cocoa, caf
can salmon 20g / 100 cal = .2000 "S"-tier p.idx; + a little mayo, chopped pepperoncini on 2 street taco tortillas

recon window closed at 9:15ish

dishes (yep they sure are neverending aren't they)
hair, brows, pits, nails

mon posted: Mon 2025-03-24 11:25:09 tags: n/a
cocoa, caf
pb 8g / 180 ca on 1/2 ciabatta 4g / 120 :: 12g / 300 cal == .0400 p.idx, "D" grade

recon home stretch; gonna be a grueling one

litter genie

* * *

sun posted: Sun 2025-03-23 12:40:49 tags: n/a
212.4 tea, caf best breakfast classic edition lentils + rice + chicken Port City Brewing wings + salad neverendingdishes bed + bath linens a Dungeon and/or a Dragon On regrouping from our successful raid on the Thayvian dracolich "factory", we spent a few days in town awaiting the assemblage of freedom fighters to oust the green dragon Vorgansharax from Phlan. In this timeline, we learned Vorg' had become possessed by the fiend-spirit Tyranthraxus, which had in days of yore similar... (...more)
sat posted: Sat 2025-03-22 14:40:30 tags: n/a
tea + caf
cold-cuts scramble + 1 slice ww toast
pepperoni pizza, peppery poultry parts, poppers

grocery run - MOM's, TJ, HT

I didn't miss much of Wicked Pt 1 after all ;

fri posted: Fri 2025-03-21 13:08:58 tags: n/a
211.3 cocoa ; caf pb on toasted ciabatta [12g / 270 cal] + [8g / 240 cal] = 20g / 510 == .0392 p.idx "D" shakshuka w/1 srv chickpeas, 2 eggs street taco kit day 3 recon recon recon vac cook up the remaining 1/2 bag (5 servings) brown lentils figure out next commute suspend Happy Face; most of Wicked before I fell asleep; most of Harry Potter 1 before bed HP character effects (the Cerberus, mountain troll etc.) and makeup aesthetic look pretty dated now. * * * SciAm:... (...more)