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kickin in the front seat ?
[no, ] sittin in the back seat
posted: Fri 2024-05-10 12:28:25 tags: n/a
218.1 protein chx soup, 200mg caf, vitamins Last night Jinjer just stayed put on her chair when the automatic feeder triggered. Very unlike her, so Mrs inspected her gums and sure enough, either her FHV flared up or her dental health reached a tipping point. She was eating a little when I got up briefly around 4:40am, and ate a bit more and drank some water this morning. Nonetheless it's time for a vet visit. * * * Obsidian is a Notepad-like app that also support internal hyperlinks w... (...more)
hooks posted: Thu 2024-05-09 23:46:16 tags: n/a
since d+d combat doesn't simulate limb loss, like pretty much at all - how do you set up an organ bootlegging villain?

thu posted: Thu 2024-05-09 13:07:28 tags: n/a
216.9 plain ol H2O, caf, vitamins grilled chx egg + chz / eng muffing Slice of NY: 2x sausage + roni slices * * * TIL (or realized) part of what used to be sold OTC prescribed as "Fen-phen" is still kicking around as the controlled prescription drug phentermine. I made a mental note to refresh what I thought I knew - Fen-phen was a plant derivative, maybe phentermine still is? It's controlled because it could be used to manufacture methamphetamine? And not that I have any interest in farmi... (...more)
wed posted: Wed 2024-05-08 12:50:25 tags: n/a
protein cocoa 30g

empty / reload dishwasher
catch-up tbill data
recycles out

tue posted: Tue 2024-05-07 11:17:53 tags: n/a
218.0 reorder protein chx soup and cocoa * * * "Anti-woke" is the new identity-label for racism. Of course as soon as you say that, a million clients of straight-white-male privilege will screech in protest: they're not racist! they have a gay niece! But the idiom "woke" originated in Black culture to describe someone who was conscious of racial prejudice, and in the 20teens broadened to more generally encompass awareness of racial inequity, sexism, and anti-LGBTQ bigotry. Declaring onesel... (...more)