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thu posted: Thu 2024-05-16 12:10:13 tags: n/a
215.4 a biopsy for Jinjer * * * CA: a new monster, "Dead Dragon", with big-deal alchemy projects "Shield of Death" and "Pike of Death". I was pretty surprised to see this so soon after the roll-out of the latest quest-boss monster, "Lucifer" (Apr 8). This is the first legendary weapon we've seen since Chromus was released April 2016. I doubt it will supersede the Ouroboros project alchemy, Maw of the Void. If it's defensive, then it will be the first Legendary defensive weapon in the gam... (...more)
wed posted: Wed 2024-05-15 20:20:01 tags: n/a
tue posted: Tue 2024-05-14 15:21:02 tags: n/a
still not feeling "well", but better than Sunday for sure.
Gray rainy weather is not helping.

Cat checkup ahead of biopsy Thu
pay bills

mon posted: Tue 2024-05-14 15:19:44 tags: n/a
sick day
sun posted: Tue 2024-05-14 15:18:48 tags: n/a
best breakfast sandwich ala NY Bagel Deli III
distinctly sore throat, slept most of the day