cocoa 14g, caf ... tea
brown rice + brown lentils w/ 1/4 c. chx bouillon and a dusting of Resist spice
finish "Accounting 101" (non-credit 1-2hr video course)
line up commute days
prep some JVs for new month
stmts popped by 9:30a
start notes on DIY protein breakfast drink mix
cook 1st of 4 ground turkey packs: 6 srv @ 22g / 160 cal --> 16.8 oz cooked
- - OR... 132g prime-factorized is 2x2x3x11 so it's also (12 srv x 11g ea) or (4 srv x 33g ea)
* * *
Slave-Free Chocol...
The Solemnity (feast) of the Annunciation of the Lord
cocoa, caf
yogurt 15g / 120 cal = .1250 p.idx, "A"-tier
can salmon 20g / 100 cal = .2000 "S"-tier p.idx; + a little mayo, chopped pepperoncini on 2 street taco tortillas
meatloaf :q + mashed tatos + peas
Sam Adams "Breakaway Blonde" ale: labeled "Light cereal + biscuit notes, touches of tangerine". B-.
unnecessary quantities of pistachios
recon window closed 9:15ish
dishes (yep they sure are neverending aren't they)
cocoa, caf
pb 8g / 180 ca on 1/2 ciabatta 4g / 120 :: 12g / 300 cal == .0400 p.idx, "D" grade
cocoa, caf
pb 8g / 180 ca on 1/2 ciabatta 4g / 120 :: 12g / 300 cal == .0400 p.idx, "D" grade
recon home stretch; gonna be a grueling one
litter genie
* * *
tea, caf
best breakfast classic edition
lentils + rice + chicken
Port City Brewing
wings + salad
bed + bath linens
a Dungeon and/or a Dragon
On regrouping from our successful raid on the Thayvian dracolich "factory", we spent a few days in town awaiting the assemblage of freedom fighters to oust the green dragon Vorgansharax from Phlan. In this timeline, we learned Vorg' had become possessed by the fiend-spirit Tyranthraxus, which had in days of yore similar...
tea + caf
cold-cuts scramble + 1 slice ww toast
pepperoni pizza, peppery poultry parts, poppers
tea + caf
cold-cuts scramble + 1 slice ww toast
pepperoni pizza, peppery poultry parts, poppers
grocery run - MOM's, TJ, HT
I didn't miss much of Wicked Pt 1 after all ;