dry bean experiments IV posted: Tue 2012-05-15 22:08:51 tags: what I'm eating
Last round I used 3 cups water for the "quick soak" stage, and drained off the post-soak broth to cool and sample, only to re-add... call it 2 cups. Then for the cook stage I added 2 more cups of water.

This time I didn't drain off anything, and added - whoops - 3 cups water to cover the beans and greens for the cook stage. So it's going to end up a bit brothy-er. Which is fine, maybe I'll try whipping up quinoa with bean broth doctored with a spoon of boullion.

Also, I've determined there's a lot of "play" in the hot plate heat setting knob, so the procedure post-boil is - turn it all the way to "off", and turn it back to ~2mm short of "medium" to simmer.