daylog posted: Sat 2012-07-28 23:33:45 tags: daylogs
My Castle Age guild adopted Skype. In turn, I adopted the AMIP "now playing" bridge between Skype and Winamp to impress all my Skype friends with my taste in music.

If you told me two years ago that Castle Age would draw me in the way it has, I probably would have scoffed. But they got the whole guild aspect pretty much right, and my guildies do feel like a family, much as ChaoticUnion did.

Sampled the Turning Leaf pinot grigio I got for my next iteration of 5-bean stew. I think it will be very suitable, more crisp or tart than the sauv blanc. That wasn't bad but it was, I dunno, perfumey in a way that reminded me of my boyhood first encounter with cheap blackberry brandy. More suitable for a fruit compote maybe.

I've been a bit lost without DI.fm's gabber channel; today I discovered gabber.fm which seems a suitable replacement. Hope it sticks around for a while.