TS Isaac posted: Mon 2012-08-27 16:19:41 tags: daylogs, weather
Tropical Storm Isaac started shaping up early to mid-last-week, and the landlord called expressly on Wednesday to tell me "a mobile home is no place to be during a hurricane". The system was described as "big and sloppy" as it downed power lines in Cuba and rained heavily on Haiti. Most of Friday we had gusty winds and showers, dunno if that was part of the storm system or just a free appetizer. Yesterday more of the same but moreso, with winds climbing to "howling" speeds. Distinct storm bands woke me a couple times overnight, along with a couple of close thunder cracks, and at 7:15AM I got a voicemail that the office would be closed for weather. This morning we already had a spot of sun between mellowing rain and lower winds.

I had almost hoped it would wrath-of-God the Republican National Convention off the map - what a bitch-slap that would be the Pat Robertsons and WBCs of the nation, right? Looks like no such providence is forthcoming though, so we'll just have to rally and vote the scumbags out the old-fashioned way.