beans 3.3 - with malbec posted: Mon 2012-08-27 17:41:59 tags: what I'm eating
"Sort" 1/3 cup each of non-lentil beans. Found a stone or something in the pintos, otherwise clean. Rinse and drain 2 passes in cool water, bring to a boil in 2 cups water (up from 1+2/3 cups last time) with a few shakes lite salt, let boil ~2 minutes, and remove from heat to let cool/soak at least an hour. (more like 2-2.5 hours here)

Gently mix in 1.5-2 tbsp olive oil, a couple more shakes lite salt, a scant cup frozen broccoli cuts crowns and a generous cup frozen chopped spinach, 2/3 cups lentils (really 3/4 but whatev), 1/2 nominal serving capers in brine (ran out the capers, won't be using them anymore), 1 cup water (really 1+1/3 to adjust to the extra 1/6 cup lentils) and 1+1/3 cups wine (Rex Goliath malbec). Bring to a boil and reduce heat to simmer ~30 minutes.

This isn't bad, fragrant and tasty with a hint of a mustardy spice flavor. Not sure where that came from unless it's an intersection of the wine, capers and greens. But given my druthers I prefer the cab sauv variant. SOMEHOW I managed to taste my way down to one recipe's worth of the malbec, so there's not much of left of that bottle to kill. On retasting what's left, I'm catching a black peppery note; maybe that and the broccoli formed the stew's suggestion of mustard.

I also convinced myself on an initial taste-comparison that the merlot's tart dimension would be suboptimal in the basic bean stew recipe, so... there's not a whole recipe's worth of that left either. But now I feel like my tour of cooking bean stews with wine won't be complete until I try a merlot variant, and what the hey, I sincerely enjoy merlot and it's better for me than SR. So I'll try a half-recipe of lentils and greens with it the way I did with the moscato.