sun posted: Sun 2024-07-07 13:41:52 tags: n/a
Best breakfast Taylor ham edition, and closing on in the perfect over-medium egg for Mrs.

Sleep study: would have been cool to specify up-front that the blue side goes against the skin,
instead of wasting a night's recording only to inform me in troubleshooting lawl

felt-feet the recliner and a desk

* * *

A Dungeon and/or a Dragon, Adventurers League edition: The last session I attended was 5/18, wherein we started the "Bloodrun Tower" chapter of third-party adventure "A Mission to Thay: Nethwatch Keep". This was published as an alternative to part of the campaign-length WotC adventure "Rise of Tiamat", but our DM adapted it as part of an ongoing plot thread of conflict between Thay and Mulmaster (the latter being our adoptive home since the green dragon's occupation of Phlan). I missed the session on 6/9, being mid-move and camped out at the Fairfax Hilton that day. Apparently the party decimated a good number of minions and found a safe spot to hunker down for a full rest.

Picking up from there, we exited the safe demiplane afforded by our Rod of Security to confront more wights and demon orcs.