sun posted: Sun 2024-07-21 16:56:47 tags: n/a
yerba mate, caf + vitamins
cheddar scramble over toast
a damaged but tasty pear
perfectly good leftover black beans + rice
2 turkey dogs + sauerkraut
shrimp scampi

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The CPAP recorded night 2 with 1.8 "events per hour", down from 2.5 the previous night. Under 5 is considered "normal"; the sleep study recorded 57.4 the first night and 53.6 RDI the second, where RDI is "respiratory disturbance index", i.e. average respiratory interruptions ("events") per hour. Yes, that was almost one respiratory interruption every minute.

I kind of get how a device the size of an SD card loosely bandaged to my finger could measure heart rate - but the fact that it also simultaneously measured blood oxygen and respiration cycle, accurately enough to count as medical science, is kind of mind-blowing.

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A Dungeon and/or a Dragon, Tomb of Annihilation edition
Picking up from where our Rogue was carried off by a ptera-folk, we decided we must make haste (i.e. not take a rest) to rescue him. Pterafolk being diurnal, we might have some advantage attacking at night. Scaling down the river-ravine cliff face, we encountered some carnivorous vines which tried to digest our barbarian. With some Sacred Flames, Dissonant Whispers, and old-fashioned sword-swinging we defeated them. Crossing the river posed no problems.

As we scanned the north? west? cliff face near the target cave mouth, preparatory to our re-ascent on that side of the river, the more perceptive among us spotted a light flickering below the pterafolk cave. Wadgour hung his hopes of an escaped Emlo on that flashing light. As we neared the pterafolks' cave mouth we noted some of them focused on the small cave entrance from which the flashing light was emanating. We were able to sneak within 30', where Wadgour initiated battle with a cast of Faerie Fire, illuminating 3 of the 9 foes.

As battle ensued, Wagdour, Kiwaya, and our tabaxi guides were knocked out, and Anaraes and Emlo had to retreat into the small cave. They noted a fog bank creeping in, eerily concentrating around the downed explorers, when suddenly one or more treants arrived to finish off the pterafolk. They made short work of the predatory beastmen and departed as suddenly as they had arrived.

Exhausted and depleted of spell slots and character abilities, the dying characters were stabilized and the whole group hunkered down in the cave for a desparately-needed rest. Our DM noted we would level-up if and when we were able to complete a long rest. For most of us, this will mean L5 class abilities, and 3rd-leve spells for our full casters. For Wadgour, it's L4 in Bard, learning a new cantrip (probably