mon posted: Mon 2024-07-22 13:41:27 tags: n/a
protein chx soup, caf, vitamins

11a: reminder to put pork shoulder in slow cooker w/1 cup water for 6 hours on low
12:50ish: actually started putting pork shoulder in slow cooker on med / 4h + low / 2h

CPAP recorded night 3 (unlocking another badge): 1.7 RDI. I thought about putting together a Google Sheets to track RDI, mask-off and hours of usage, but with RDI so deep in the "healthy" (under 5) range I feel like it's a waste of time. Switch flipped: Mrs can sleep in the same room for the low low price of 175 (diagnosis) + 733 (prescription) = 908. With that for perspective, finances withstanding, I suppose we should bite the bullet and replace our poorly-aging foam mattress when we move again as well.

Another day, another ( 189.52 + 273.07 ) = 462.59