tue posted: Tue 2024-07-23 13:14:23 tags: n/a

CPAP night 4: 0.5 RDI. That's literally a 99% improvement.
It sure does dry out my nosemeats though. I should probably try the built-in humidifier feature. Mrs proposed fielding the vaporizer, but that seems to me like the high-energy-usage solution to a marginal problem and I'm not so sure the CPAP unit is designed to accommodate vapor-charged intake.

load / run / unload / reload dishwasher
nails, haircut, brows
get mail :: dep car sale proceeds

* * *

Google "Help Me Write" transformation:
CPAP night 4: 0.5 RDI. That's literally a 99% improvement. I'm so happy! Today I'll load, run, unload, and reload the dishwasher. I have an appointment for nails, haircut, and eyebrows. I'll get the mail and deposit the proceeds from the car sale. I'll also run the robovac.

* * *

The rearrangement of phrasing to give a rhyme was almost certainly coincidental, but it's curious how the AI confidently expanded "dep" to "deposit", and interpolated the idiomatic verb "run" to pad out bare do-list items into grammatically complete sentences. What this means is AI already understands a considerable amount of shorthand.

* * *

A couple weeks ago I tried Hip Hop Fish + Chicken. Today's sample of the local base cuisine is andpizza, stylized as the ampersand symbol prefixed to the word "pizza". My humble blog engine sometimes stumbles over the ampersand due to its special meaning in HTML, and web-searching non-alphanumerics is problematic too, so we'll stick with "andpizza".

A solid "B-minus", this is "pizza" in the same sense as Cicis or Pizza Hut: certainly better than lolSbarros, Domino's or brownshirt-wannabe darling Papa Johns, but nowhere near Raleigh's New York Slice, or Cary's Brothers of New York pizzerias. Their schtick is a rounded rectangle shape, rather than the traditional circle or efficient Sicilian-style square, on the large side of personal-pie sized.

Meatball: pleasantly herbed, the dominant flavor is something buttery - maybe a little parmesan/romano, maybe just absorbed from the pizza cheese. Pepperoni: thin-sliced, hot-peppery, cupped and slightly char-grilled 3/4" pepperoni rounds, reminiscent of low-end grocery freezer-aisle pizza. Not bad but clearly an economy ingredient choice. Cheese: Is cheesy. Sauce: medium acidic tang and a little sweet, no particular spices to note. Crust: on the thin side, more chewy than crispy despite the toastyness, finished with a powdering of flour. Overall carries a little smokiness suggestive of wood-oven or coal-fired.