recon crunch zero-hour
fresh kitchen linens
LJ archive thru 2007 Q3 (half a year is actually 2x as much as I can do in one sitting)
litter genie
nails, pits
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I probably knew this, but today I (re)learned that simple dumbbell exercises to bulk up forearms and biceps should be "done to failure", i.e. to the point where the muscles are tired enough that your form is declining. This is why we graduate to heavier weights, because it becomes a waste of time to stand there doing 50, 60, 100 reps of wrist curls with 15# weights. At that point you're more just burning calories, not building muscle.
By that same token - I can do 10 "one-third incline" pushups without much effort, and that's probably doing nice things to tone the core stabilizer system, but it's certainly not approaching or pushing my limit.