thu - All Hallow's Evening posted: Thu 2024-10-31 12:07:42 tags: n/a

stmts cycle info needed email processing; "blue" worklist group

pay rent
some activity recording ahead of month-end stmts

Oct-Sober-Fest observed other than single drinks while Mom and Diane were visiting.

* * *

A few days ago the hosting provider emailed a warning about a security vulnerability in their VPS control panel package, but shell access to run the *nix command was not working with the password I had. The VPS servoce expires 11-27, and I have very little urge to puzzle out the way to make Python / Django stuff portable between local and hosting environments, in order to build out more demo widgets. So I disabled auto-renewal and shut down the VPS altogether. The domain is still registered for another 2 years but if I decide to refresh my Python tinkering, then I'll go with a more economical speciality hosting provider or self-host entirely.

Strangely even though I have no motivation to dev and showcase,
I have a hankering to register another domain name. :zany_face: