stmt response emails to current and finish stmt worklist "blue" group
password ecosystem rotation
trash out, don't forget the cardboard
lodging installment?
start dinner ~6
sweet potatos: perforate and nuke 5 minutes
Mrs Sun agenda: wash comforter cover
* * *
"Incline" vs. "Eccentric" Push-Ups
Youtube / Bodylastics: Incline Pushup proper form
But before we go there, a better analysis of push-up do's an don'ts
The 2nd video introduces the idea of the "eccentric" push-up (aka "eccentric-only" push-up):
- Instead of kneeling or incline push-ups
- Start in proper floor push-up form, lower slowly through the normal range of push-up motion, and stop!
- Don't do the "pushing up" part of a standard push-up; you've worked the important muscles.
- When you can do 3 sets of the eccentric-only part, you should graduate to complete push-ups.
Straight legs, feet hip-width apart.
Flex the feet - toe and ball against the floor, heel raised.
Rotate elbows outward to engage the latissimus dorsi
Legs and torso / spine / neck should form a straight line - no bending at the hips, knees or neck.
* * *
After Mrs settled down and went to sleep but before I did last night, I had an idea about dicing and splicing bits of "I've Got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts", DJ Dead Scientists's 2013-07 "Industrial Crossbreed" set, and the "Confutatis" section of the Mozart Requiem.
I've got a lovely bunch of CONFUTATIS [electronic noises]
there they are standing in a MALEDICTIS [electronic noises]
big ones [electronic thema] small ones [theme variant]
some as big as FLAMMIS ACRIBUS ADDICTIS [electronic breakdown]
give 'em a twist [meth screams] a flick of the wrist [meth screams]
that's what the showman VOCA ME CUM BENEDICTIS [different meth screams]