tue posted: Tue 2025-03-04 12:58:17 tags: n/a
cocoa 14g / 80 cal; 100mg caf
shakshuka: 1 srv chickpea 7g / 130 cal, grn trky 15g / 102 cal, 1 lg egg 6g / 70 cal
1/2 ciabbatta 4g / 120 cal = .0333 p.idx ("F+")
- Without calculating trace protein or calories in tomato sauce and olives, call it 33g.
- just one Tbsp olive oil to brown the garlic is 120 cal ... very easy to overdo it

same work stuff different work day

finish cleaning label adhesive off the empty fiber-gummy jar
neverending dishes

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Lappé's "Diet for a Small Planet": key ideas, and what's changed in 50 years
- response to a prevalent, mistaken narrative of world hunger due to limited food production capacity
- we now know that's incorrect - food poverty is man-made, political

Other things to know:
- Rice production uses a lot of water; rice-paddy Farming emits significant greenhouse gas.
- Millets are among the lowest water-use grains; teff is also low-water / drought resistant
- Plant protein bioavailability (PDCAAS) varies widely:
- - soy protein isolate bioavailability is comparable to whey and egg proteins,
- - while wheat gluten isolate lags at 25%
- - combining grains and pulses significantly raises the PDCAAS bioavailability metric
- - Spinach protein bioavailability is also very high, comparable to whey/egg/soy

In order of least CO2-kg footprint per 100 protein-grams first [source]:
spirulina (0), nuts (.27), beans (.37), peas (.4), quinoa (.63), lentils (.84), soy (1.98)
Only 7% of soy production is for human consumption; the rest is factory farm livestock feed.

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Stephen Duffy's Dr Calculus "Designer Beatnik" album came out a long time ago (1986), but I didn't pick it up until 20+ years later. By then it was a long time since I had studied Shakespeare's "Hamlet", so I think I can be forgiven for not connecting the song title "Blasted With Ecstasy" back to its source in Ophelia's lines. In Shakespeare's context, "blasted" is in the sense of "withered" or "blighted", and "ecstasy" in the sense of madness or emotional breakdown - not the euphoric sense we're more accustomed to in modernity. Knowing that, the clip in another song of Hamlet's dialogue with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern ("I could be bounded in a nutshell and count myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I have bad dreams") is considerably less random too.

Also, that makes 2 drug-related double-entendres in the album: Duffy would of course have been cognizant of "ecstasy" as slang for MDMA, street popularity of which boomed in the 80s, alongide the whole song "Perfume from Spain" being a paean to cocaine.