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LJ archival: close 2008-09, open 2010-11
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a Dungeon and/or a Dragon, Tomb of Annihilation edition
A few sessions back we defeated one of Chult's native T-Rexes. Last session we decided to investigate a ruined manor-house we had ignored on our way up-river to Camp Righteous, where we encountered and defeated a zombified form of the former T-Rex.
Picking up in the new session after a short rest, we heard ... something ... feeding on the dinosaur corpse. Due to analysis paralysis, we spent about 20 minutes waffling over how to identify this new potential danger, which eventually came to us anyway. Turned out it was 2 Carrion Crawlers, which we dispatched without too much difficulty. Note to self though, don't throw spells with fear effect riders (Dissonant Whipsers) on foes that are grappling allies...
After portaging our boats back to the river to resume our return to Port Nyanzaru, we managed to rest a bit as we drifted downstream, until we spotted a goblin motioning us in to shore. We gleaned that their nomad clan scout squad had shadowed a group of adventurers who had worn down a small undead horde, eventually falling to the leader corps of ghouls and ghasts. The goblins proposed to help us finish off the ghouls/ghasts pack and we'd all share the adventurers' loot.
A two-edged cast of Plant Growth later, we picked off a few of the undead with ranged attacks and the rest fled. We were rewarded from victims' belongings with some gold (finally!), a moontouched spear for our Barbarian, a potion of ogre strength, and 5 drops of Keoghtom's Ointment.
The figure Keoghtom, legendary in D+D specifically for this ointment item, was named for Gygax's childhood friend Tom Keogh, who reputedly helped Gary get TSR started. Reputably sourced biographical facts about Keogh are scant; it's believed he died in 1968 due to illness, when Gygax would have been 30ish. Alongside its hit-point restoring effect, Keoghtom's Ointment also removes Poisoned and Diseased conditions, which is a pretty poignant homage. Original D+D wasn't released until 1974 - so, unlike many other legendary names embedded in D+D lore, Keoghtom was never a player-character of his namesake. Even the Chainmail miniatures rules fantasy supplement wasn't published until 1971, so it seems unlikely Keogh was involved in any early D+D playtesting.
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helped a neighbor with their pocket door
finish the leftover adobo chicken and casserole
second-to-last ep of Fellow Travelers