cocoa: grade "S-" ; 100mg caf
PB toast might become the veg alt bkfst standard vs. eggs b/c some vitamins require fats for absorption
- 2 ww bread slices @ 3g / 60 cal + pb 8g / 180 cal = 14g / 300 cal == .0462 p.idx "C-"
yogurt 14g / 140 cal "A-"
thin-cut ribeyes ~40g / 500 cal? (@ 8oz uncooked weight ea) + asparagus
stmts purgatory
reg.plate pickup
* * *
p.idx (Protein Index) and grading tiers refresher
I ballparked my daily calorie break-even point at 2000 cal. The FDA protein DV (minimum Daily Value) is 55g. I guesstimated I probably needed more like 75g when I was training regularly. And finally, I was working on losing (or at least controlling) my weight. A pound of body fat represents about 3500 calories, so if you short yourself 1000 calories per day then you'll lose about 2 lbs per week. That's the medical establishment's estimate of maximum safe/sustainable weight weight-loss rate.
[ 7 x 1000 = 7000 ] :: [ 2 x 3500 = 7000 ]
From that, I called it a "grade A" food choice if I could get my target 75g protein in 1000 calories of a food. Inspired by a friend's metric of booze value as alcohol ml per dollar (the "bodine"), I invented "protein index" as protein grams per calorie of a food. So, for a theoretical grade-A choice, providing 75 protein grams at 1000 calories,
minimum grade "A" p.idx = 75 / 1000 = .0750
More protein per calorie is better, and that feels right, right? At the other end of the A-to-F grading scale, I called it a "grade F" food choice if it provided only the minimum protein 55g DV at weight-management equilibrium of 2000 cal.
maximum grade "F" p.idx = 55 / 2000 = .0275
The "C"-grade threshold is pretty obvious: halfway between minimum protein and the 75g target,
AND halfway between weightoss target (1000 cal) and calorie equilibrium (2000 cal):
grade "C" p.idx = 65 g / 1500 cal = .0433
...And then thresholds for grades "B" and "D" are just the midpoints between their adjacent letters. Sometime in the past couple of years I adopted "S-tier" for foods in the upper half between "A" (.1333) and pure protein (.2500). These are often highly processed protein supplements (whey powder, powdered hot cocoa mix), but some actual foods (boneless skinless chicken tenderloins; fat-free plain yogurt) are also S-tier.
* * *
CA: The "Other-Realm" event netted me 3 belt-type equips where previously I had none:
- Flame Belt w/ 1 forge slot
- Lifebelt Belt, also 1 forge slot
- Firebrand Belt, 2 slots and Physical Resist +10
Also, a Flame Beast pet and various consumables on top of the in-event loot:
" Your event rank in the Other Realm World Adventure event is: Rank 1554, Your ranking range is: Lv.1501+.
You received the reward: Full Stamina Potionx8, Free Rollx5, Rare Reshape Stonex1, Mine Crystal Chestx10!
Your team is DillWith_It?your team's team rank in the Other Realm World Adventure event is: Rank 651.
You received the reward: Full Stamina Potionx3, Mine Crystal Chestx10! "
Browsing my idle equipment troves, I also found Seraph Halo w/ 3 forge slots - probably from the winter holiday event, maybe as far back as autumn's anniversary event. A worthy upgrade from Glorious Amulet in the parking/tank loadout amulet slot. Between the halo and the 2-slot belt, all my Meteorite Ingot Stack forge trinkets are in use now. With that, total att/def are up ~11% each.