can't trust that day posted: Tue 2013-03-26 14:03:02 tags: daylogs
Something on the hosted plan hiccupped early yesterday and crashed the whole VM - web, email, even the Plesk control panel. But not the Virtuozzo wrapper control panel, although I didn't think to check that until I'd already called hosting tech support. So a restart cured most of that, and purging qmail's queue and the historically most polluted of the email mailboxes, and re-restarting, cured the rest.

Breakfast: scramble dog wrap. After office hours, run 192: 4.0mi / 49:10. 184#, 605 kcal (per twitter). Wendy's double-stack and a large chili for dinner, followed by too much cold water which gave me cramps, which interrupted my enjoyment of The Rock Labyrinth. Upside: rolling over and curling up did get me to sleep early.

So today by 9AM I was caffeinated and pumping dumbbells. Haven't been exactly regular about exercise at home, so I wasn't sure if I could do triceps extensions with the 15# DBs. Starting fresh, yes I can - it's in that muscle-bulking less-than-12 reps range. Worked up a little heat with some hammer curls, took a break to shave and start tortellini in preparation for lunch to be served with the last of the chili.

Speaking of last-of, I finished the black and great northern bean supply in the last bean stew iteration, leaving a bag each of pinto and chickpeas. Pintos will go in further chilis, I guess. What deffo won't go in further chilis is ground pork, which was too bland to contribute to the recipe the way ground turkey does. I've been toying with the idea of cracking out the blender and experimenting with blenderized beans, so maybe I'll try something like hummus with the chickpeas.

I've taken the financial sorting-out verrrry slowwwwwly, but I can launch the next phase with just a little chore, so that's lined up for this morning too.