Holy Saturday Batman posted: Sat 2013-03-30 16:55:02 tags: daylogs
There was a generous helping of second coffee at teh orfice, which palpably energized my run but also kept me awake a bit later than I normally would have. Woke a bit before 9. Lazed a while before first coffee and vitamins. A serving of GrapeNuts Fit cranberry/vanilla, a scramble dog wrap, a couple swigs of smilk, and at noon I'm not hungry for the other half of my Subway smamich. Also not feeling real energetic about exercise.

10x15# DB tricep extensions. 12x tricep dips.

For days I've been shuffling through my collection looking for a song, male vocals, with a hook that follows a syllabic pattern like "the killinggggg of something boy" but probably bears little phonetic resemblance. It might be buried in one of dem_bones or lawnjart's wrap-ups.

Relaxed and guild-battled and answered yahoos most of the afternoon. A bit of a nap, I think less than an hour, between 4:30-5:30. A WW bagel with PB for a late snack - I felt snacky earlier but not hungry, so I didn't justify an actual meal.