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sun posted: Sun 2024-11-10 14:16:37 tags: n/a
218.5 what could have been a nice breakfast * * * The election inspired me to question my social-media consumption, and a good bit of the time I've spent on it since has been to disconnect from brands, bands, and orgs I've casually "liked" or "followed" over the years. It puts the fun in dysfunctional to see The Algorithm's convulsions over what it wasn't built to handle gracefully - feeding 4, 5, 6 stories at a time from Smithsonian or SciAm, or deep-diving a week or more to friend posts I've a... (...more)
fri posted: Fri 2024-11-08 13:14:04 tags: n/a
218.2 woke ~5:30a 6a protein cinnamon cocoa 15g, caf, fiber 10a change it up with a couple sets of dumbbell squat-to-overhead presses - after set 1, started feeling vaguely hungry 10:30a - huevo burrito, vitamin ... pizza: "Wise Guys" (Wiseguy? Navy Yard or Mass Ave branch?) vs. Della Barba vs. Andy's stmt approvals and info-needed email-merge load / run dishwasher fresh bath linens clean mask LJ archival to end of 2007 * * * Reuters Fact Check: A video depicting A... (...more)
thu posted: Thu 2024-11-07 13:42:58 tags: n/a
218.0 protein chx soup 15g + killed the Texas Toast croutons 10a push-ups: I'm not feeling yesterday's work but my form was shaky so we're gonna do it again - - with 3 minute cooldowns between sets of 15 10:15a feeling distinctly hungry 11a yogurt 15g noon - apple muffin 3g 2:30p pushups 5:15 fried chicken, apple muffin, salad 6:00 stmt approvals Cancel rainforest auto-renew? Pushed to the 12th litter genie trash out nails apple + blueb muffins clean mask LJ... (...more)
wed posted: Wed 2024-11-06 12:34:28 tags: n/a
218.8 5:30a? protein cinnamon cocoa 15g and fiber toes ~9:15 I felt distinctly hungry. 10-1030a: 3 sets of 12 waist-height incline pushups. Focus is on proper form, breathing, controlled pace. 11:30a: turkey bacon cheddar burger on ciabatta 3:30p - feeling distinctly hungry again. robovac weed ebooks wishlist / catalog resupply wet / topper dog food; fizz-keeper trash out * * * A few weeks back I worked out some thoughts on r/AdultChildren about having gone low-contact with m... (...more)
tue posted: Tue 2024-11-05 12:13:35 tags: n/a
218.1 6a protein chx soup 15g + fibertwos 9a breakfast burrito + vitamin 10a. Retreating to the waist-high incline pushup to master form, I'm going to just stay with this until 3 sets of 12 feels too comfortable. Inhale on the downward (eccentric) motion, exhale on the upward (concentric) motion. * * * The Left's Branding Problems American Leftism has a branding problem, or maybe it's a handful of individual problems, in social media. In short, we have great ideas and messages, but they... (...more)