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wed posted: Wed 2024-07-10 14:05:47 tags: n/a
I blame deep-fried Hip Hop Fish + Chicken and just eating lots of leftovers before they get thrown out

tue posted: Tue 2024-07-09 16:13:33 tags: n/a

2 nights of Night Owl / VirtuOx sleep study data successfully recorded.
"After their evaluation, your healthcare provider will reach out to share your results."

update Mrs travel fund bookkeeping
shuffle funds into payment acct in preparation for covering moving expenses
review student loans magnitude, priorities and timeframes
schedule a bill payment

sun posted: Sun 2024-07-07 13:41:52 tags: n/a
Best breakfast Taylor ham edition, and closing on in the perfect over-medium egg for Mrs. Sleep study: would have been cool to specify up-front that the blue side goes against the skin, instead of wasting a night's recording only to inform me in troubleshooting lawl felt-feet the recliner and a desk * * * A Dungeon and/or a Dragon, Adventurers League edition: The last session I attended was 5/18, wherein we started the "Bloodrun Tower" chapter of third-party adventure "A Mission to Thay: ... (...more)
sat posted: Sat 2024-07-06 11:22:15 tags: n/a

sleep apnea test kit arrived, weighing 4 oz or less. The bubble mailer weighs almost as much as the kit xD

Tacos + beer
Applejack negroni nightcap: B+

fri posted: Fri 2024-07-05 10:26:54 tags: n/a
road trip to try to sell the Fiat