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sun posted: Tue 2024-12-24 13:30:21 tags: n/a
218.1 Busboys + Poets: mekhleme, Busboy Haze IPA * * * CA: rewards from Arena XVIII were distributed yesterday: Luban Armor: 2 forge slots, Fire pierce +5, F.resist +5, Item Archives +25 def Luban Glove: 1 slot, F.pierce +5, F.resist +5, IA +15 att Luban Boots: 1 slot, F.pierce +5, F.resist +5, IA +15 def Luban Hammer: 3 slots, F.pierce +20, F.resist +8, IA +35 att -- Set bonus in Item Archives: +100 attack 8 loot chest rolls 10 Enhance xtals, 40 Refine xtals, 6 Golden Insignias 10... (...more)
sat posted: Sun 2024-12-22 20:06:34 tags: n/a
Last gasp of packing for `13 days
Slog through heavy traffic up to Richmond only to turn around maybe an hour from the NC border
b/c every home we were going to visit reported some plague or other

Giant fried chicken

fri posted: Sat 2024-12-21 14:27:18 tags: n/a

Work: last gasp of statement approvals AND reconciliation.

water heater repair just in time

thu posted: Thu 2024-12-19 14:51:41 tags: n/a

statement apprv deadline

wed posted: Wed 2024-12-18 15:19:18 tags: n/a
9:30a eccentric pushups 15-12-12
bkfst burrito 29 p.g, and vitamin

statements missing info back-and-forths for impending deadline