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mon - Labor Day posted: Mon 2024-09-02 14:18:06 tags: n/a
slept the heck in
best breakfast, BEC ciabatta edition
salmon everything-but-croutons salad
slow pork shoulder wraps

pits, nails

deep-cleaned the stovetop
moved / deduped GDrive below the 15GB free threshold

continuing binge of KAOS. S2 is possible but Netflix has not yet committed.

sun posted: Sun 2024-09-01 12:06:23 tags: n/a

degrease the underside of the stove hood ... prob shld be done monthly
load / run / empty / reload dishwasher
7 bkfst 'ritos
3 turkey burgers

update month-end accts records ahead of statements pop

Tidy up GDrive ahead of One sub cancellation. Free limit is 15GB.
wash chin strap

CLR and bleach are both very-not-recommended for grout

sat posted: Sat 2024-08-31 16:09:48 tags: n/a
Baked Joint brunch and Mount Vernon Triangle 'hood walkabout

wash mask
scrap the bum monitor fr
cloud backup.
- iDrive has made this soooo much easier than GDrive. Will cancel G-One sub in October.

Aside from the purple smoke dragon thingie ("Alioth", rhymes with "Golioth"), the aesthetics of which didn't really feel finished,
Deadpool and Wolverine was perfect.

Navigation app directions to the Georgetown AMC theater ... not so perfect :p

fri posted: Fri 2024-08-30 12:16:13 tags: n/a
high 80, cloudy with peak rain odds afternoon 24%

litter genie
trash out
ditch the expired monitor

fish sticks, mac + chz, pease

thu posted: Thu 2024-08-29 14:57:15 tags: n/a
Uptick attributed mostly to the salty tortilla chip + salsa binge earlier in the week, sustained by salty fried chicken for late lunch and dinner yesterday. Will probably not level off until the weekend so for the interim I'm ever so looking forward to having my attention called to my cankling ankles.