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fri posted: Fri 2024-11-15 12:59:03 tags: n/a
[ no scale ]
10:30 protein cocoa, vitamin

Supposedly a Dunkin lg is 270mg + espresso shot (formerly "turbo shot") is +118mg, so,
388mg in one 20oz go?


a long commute back but at least the weather isn't rotten?

thu posted: Thu 2024-11-14 12:18:48 tags: n/a
216.6 :: it's not a trick or illusion
protein chx soup for the soul 15g, caf, fiber
10:30a 3x15 half-incline pushups
breakfast burrito 32g
yogurt 14g
2pm 3x15 half-incline pushups
Dave's Double: 49 g but 850 cal :# = .057 protein index, a "good" choice but counts as two meals :p

brows, pits

pay some bills

a long commute there
good lord what filthy misty pelting rain driving weather 80%+ of the way to arrive at 11p

wed posted: Wed 2024-11-13 13:23:58 tags: n/a
protein cocoa + caf
turkey bacon cheddar burger
chicken breast en salade

meta friendlist purge, fled and non-guild CA players edition: was 375, now 267

water pipeline
trash out
make sure chx is defrosted and cook it for dinner

tue posted: Tue 2024-11-12 16:06:51 tags: n/a
217.6 again
protein cocoa, caf, fiber
10:30a some dumbbell work
lunch: pepperoni pizza eggs
2:30p dumbbell work

stmt info-needed email-merge round 2

Castle Age: 4th pet slot rolled out.
Proved Lucifer's Sword doesn't proc on a Layla-Luci alliance config. Waste of 5000 guild coins.

finished "Agatha All Along"

mon posted: Mon 2024-11-11 14:36:34 tags: n/a

protein chx soup, caf, fiber
10a bkfst burrito, vitamin
11a and 2p: 15-15-20 half-incline pushups w/ 2 min cooldowns
a big salad with the other half can of salmon
leftover Young Chow hunan chicken

finish LJ archival thru end of 2007
sweep out ebook wishlist