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mileage (x2) posted: Mon 2011-10-17 23:17:44 tags: fitness
Session #24 (Friday, Oct 14, per twitter): 3.3mi / 57m50s, peaking at 7.1mph

(today, per twitter) Session #25: 3.3mi / 57m12s, 3 laps at a sustained jog (~4.7mph)

AGAIN, that's supposed to be 47m and seconds each time... it's like a mental block

Gave Subway a miss for once, just laying low with some V8 and microwave burritos tonight.

bank shopping posted: Thu 2011-10-13 20:28:59 tags: TWFTR
Occupy Wall Street public opinion is up and rising; Tea Party public opinion is down and falling. This, despite mainstream media's best attempts to denigrate or just plain ignore OWS. The single most effective thing a consumer can do without actually grabbing a sign and occupying Wall Street or the financial districts of other cities, is to move your accounts to a credit union. If you're not eligible for a credit union then the next best thing is a small local or regional bank. If your bank took a TARP ... (...more)
T3 attack force posted: Wed 2011-10-12 23:30:27 tags: dungeon overlord
I haven't tried this myself, so it's friend-of-a-friend info at best - but word has it a tier 3 NPC settlement can be taken with a force of 1x L10 Balrog, 2x L20 Dark Priestess, and a damage dealer force of 4x L80 Dark Elf and 4x, say, L80-100 Warlock. The Balrog should serve as a tank and the Dark Priestesses should pack enough healing power for everyone to make it out alive. If it works, I owe Tomek a resonance stone and a bounty of ashen stone and/or prismatic glass ^^ But it will be some weeks befor... (...more)
mileage posted: Wed 2011-10-12 00:26:18 tags: fitness
Session #23 (per twitter): ‎3.3mi / 48m40s. Part of me says it was an off day, but a month ago I wasn't peaking at 7.0mph or jogging 2 laps at a stretch. It was an "off" day in that I missed my best time by 2 minutes, and I can't even blame a late lunch or fighting off a cold or whatever. It was a satisfactory day in that I matched my best half-lap speed (7.0) for a half-lap and a little more, to show that I can; and put in 2 laps at a jog, again just to show that I can. Not long ago I couldn't do... (...more)
how to understand Eric Cantor posted: Fri 2011-10-07 20:14:25 tags: TWFTR
Some years ago I had the dubious honor of sitting in on a negotiation meeting between my main client, and his telephone service providers. My client did the vast majority of affiliate recruiting via a telemarketing "boiler room", and the bundling of leased lines for combined data and voice service was becoming mainstream. Anyway, the part that's relevant to Eric Cantor: this business owner had engaged a negotiator to negotiate a price structure. The meeting concluded with the negotiator claiming some compe... (...more)