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mileage posted: Wed 2011-10-26 18:05:13 tags: fitness
Looking forward to session #27 this evening, I'm shooting for the full-mile jog and today might be that day! * * * OK, it wasn't that day but it was still a kick-ass session: 3.3mi / 46m02s (4 sec over my best time); 3/4mi at 5.0mph (fastest 3-lap stretch yet), 1/2 lap at 7.0mph, another at 7.2mph (fastest half-lap yet). 7.2mph really forced me to kick up my heels. It was close to the end of the session, and I finished up feeling really pumped and pleased with myself. I haven't listened to's ... (...more)
housemates posted: Wed 2011-10-26 14:02:59 tags: dreams
The (real) guy in the room next to mine moved out and another (imaginary) woman was moving in. The (imaginary) woman in the room on the other end of the house couldn't stand the (imaginary) woman smoking in the room next to her, and wanted the room next to me, well, us now, and kept hanging around hinting that she wanted to split our room. Coz, y'know, we weren't using that other bed anyway. I think all these imaginary tenants were patterned on the crazy salespeople at work. How come you get all the ... (...more)
mileage posted: Tue 2011-10-25 17:15:25 tags: fitness
Session #26 (yesterday, per twitter): 3.3mi / 48m and change. 3 laps! at a 4.7mph jog, a half lap at 7.0mph.

4.7mph is now my top-end power-walk, or a low-end easy jog pace. Feeling kind of frustrated that my session time bottomed out at 45m58s a month ago, and I haven't matched it since.

skatetable posted: Thu 2011-10-20 13:33:43 tags: dreams
long long dreams of bicycling or pushing/riding a wheeled little round table from new jersey to virginia, somehow recapitulating the f'burg/anniversary trip the skatetabling got a little hairy at the tunnels around baltimore it was my birthday and it snowed, what's up with all this snow, wait it was snowing earlier too, snow covering the big pine ringed with tulips in the backyard and flecking the soft spring green grass you gave me a towel with homer simpson and mr burns on it and a mix cd with r... (...more)
kerfluffle posted: Wed 2011-10-19 09:25:33 tags: n/a
Remember Mike Schuman? (How common is that name do you think?) Life took him from Clifton to U.Penn/Philly to Columbia University of NYC, to Forbes magazine, to WSJ, and now he's an Asia business correspondent for Time magazine. I happened to stumble across an online article with his byline, one containing the term "kerfuffle", and I said to myself... "Self," I said... seriously though, it had to be THAT Michael Schuman. The birthdate lines up, and the pic in his Time staff bio shows a face that's filled o... (...more)