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daylog posted: Sun 2013-03-17 15:35:34 tags: daylogs, what I'm eating, tech
Something I ate Friday, the cup of Grape Nuts Fit for breakfast or Checkers (1600 kcal mostly from deep-fryer fat with a little protein, pepper and salt) for lunch, or an admittedly excessive low-fat/no-sugar-added ice cream splurge, or some combination of these, did NOT sit well in the wee hours of Saturday. Let's just say I wish my bathroom was soundproof, or at least not adjacent to another tenant's apartment. I'm leaning toward the ice cream (lactose) as the main culprit, as even with the heavy Checker... (...more)
daylog posted: Fri 2013-03-15 20:48:57 tags: daylogs
Daylight Savings Time, I missed you. Let's never fight again.

Got some parental health news last night. Nothing too terrible.

Checkers' 2-for-$3 with a spicy chicken and a crispy fish sandwich is a mere 980 kcal. Add a half-pound of chicken bites for just 616 kcal more. I'd have to jog something like 6 miles and eat nothing else today to make the 1000-kcal deficit bar.

PHP 5.5+ mysql native extension deprecation posted: Thu 2013-03-14 19:56:02 tags: tech
As of PHP 5.5.0, the "native" (or "original") MySQL extension is will be deprecated. PHP 5.4.12 was released 2013-02-21; we're not up to v5.5 yet; and due to massive deployment of applications that depend on the native MySQL extension, I don't foresee it going unsupported anytime soon. But deprecation is what it is, which means Phosphoros, as well as the sites I maintain for my jorb, are that much less future-proof. The MySQL extension provides the mysql_* language constructs: mysql_real_escape_string(... (...more)
running frustration posted: Thu 2013-03-14 00:32:43 tags: fitness
(per twitter) run 189: 3.07mi / 30:00; 3.3mi / 35:47. 184# (new low), 535? kcal. Start at 6.7mph, down .1 per quarter-mile, bottomed out at 5.7mph. (also, .75 mi at a walk to cool off.) 5 kilometers is 3.10686 miles. So to cover that in 30 minutes, one must average 6.21372 mph. For some reason I was fixated on this theory that last Easter I'd pegged the 30-minute 5K at 6.1mph, but that's mathematically impossible, innit. The goal that it DOES meet is Marine-grade cardio (3.0 miles in 30 minutes). OOR... (...more)
daylog posted: Tue 2013-03-12 20:55:03 tags: daylogs
Completed certified automated interactive credit counseling. I'd heard suggestion that it's a pro forma, unchecked exercise with no real bearing on the rest of the process, and that I could rush through it making up quick guesstimates. But I figured if I have to jump through that hoop in the first place, it was probably to my own benefit to take it at least somewhat seriously and learn what I could from it. It was not as educational as the defensive driving course I took to mitigate a speeding ticket back ... (...more)