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mileage posted: Tue 2011-09-13 01:04:47 tags: fitness
session #16: 3.3mi / 48m10s, peaking at 6.3mph for 3/4 lap.

Around the 2.5-mile mark, coming out of a mid-speed phase into recovery phase, I found my abs cramping a wee bit. Dunno what that was all about but it didn't stop me from finishing in fine time.

isabelle hodes is becoming a woman posted: Mon 2011-09-12 13:02:49 tags: dreams
Isabelle gets her first period. Celia has not prepared her for this day, evidently. Her father happens by in the moment Isabelle first spots, immediately understands the sitch with little drama, and tells Celia to go help her. We see Celia get up and approach the bathroom. What immediately follows is glossed over but we cut to... a PARTY, presumably Isabelle's birthday, attended by neighbors, aunts and uncles (Celia's mother from the actual series is absent). The scening is broken into snapshot-like mom... (...more)
how often you should train posted: Sun 2011-09-11 17:48:26 tags: fitness, what I'm eating
Gave it a full rest yesterday. The conventional "how often should I work out" advice is to train, at most, every other day; if you're a go-getter and want to work out on "off" days, it should be cross-training, and to fit the 7-day week, a full-rest day (no workout at all) is typically prescribed every 7th day. E.g. if your primary training routine is running, then on off days, you should swim, bike, or weight-lift - anything but more running. So the cycle looks like: train, crosstrain; train, crosstrain; ... (...more)
morning calisthenics + mileage posted: Fri 2011-09-09 14:38:40 tags: fitness
20 calf raises 20 squats 4 almost-pushups if I had actually lowered myself below 1/4 dip lol 20 wall pushups 20 crunches + 8 bicycle crunches each side (...really?) Running session #15 (per twitter): "took it slow after tuesday's red scare - 3.3 mi in 50m15s, mostly at a brisk / power-walk pace, peak 6.0mph for 3/4 lap" Oops, can't edit a tweet... it was Wednesday, not Tuesday that I was spitting up a minor amount of blood briefly after my run. Anyway, I'm breaking out of the half-lap run platea... (...more)
off-day exercise posted: Thu 2011-09-08 21:36:46 tags: fitness
10 one-legged calf raises, each side. I think I need to back off and just do more sets of regular (two-foot) calf raises. 2 sets / 10 squats 10 crunches; + 8 "bicycle" crunches, each side 4 abortive normal pushups (incomplete motion), 8 "3/4" pushups from the knee intermission: finished sorting that big box o' receipts 10 regular calf raises 2 sets / 10 squats 20 wall pushups with close attention to really good form - even proper "3/4" pushups were taxing me too hard to show good form. 10 regul... (...more)